LIFE CityTRAQ partners gather in Antwerp

The partners of the LIFE CityTRAQ project convened in Antwerp on Thursday 18 April 2024 to discuss the project’s progress and its continued rollout. The shared goal is the realisation of cleaner local air in the urban environment.

The meeting began with a status update from each city on their pilot projects. The partners shared their achievements and discussed the challenges they face. The Flemish Environment Agency explained the advancements in developing the scenario and screening tool. Those tools are crucial for a data-drive local policy. This allows local governments to identify air quality bottlenecks and simulate the effect of local interventions in order to make targeted choices. The CityTRAQ partners will utilize the tools to further shape and refine their pilot projects and to evaluate the outcomes. In a later phase, the tools will be made available to local administrations outside of the CityTRAQ project.

Interactive workshop to refine the scenario tool
During a subsequent interactive workshop, the partners deliberated on refining various scenarios for the scenario tool. The discussion focussed on the necessary and desirable measures needed so that local administrations can simulate the most common scenarios. Based on this input, the scenario tool will be further tailored to meet as best the needs and demands of the cities. The participating cities attended a workshop the following day to analyze several specific measures per city in depth in preparation for using the scenario tool.

Field visit to measure station in Borgerhout
A field visit to the VMM’s air quality measure station in Borgerhout provided the partners with an exclusive insight in the technology behind air quality analysis. At this measuring station in Borgerhout, the quality of the air quality sensors that (will) carry out the measurements of the pilots in Ghent and Bruges was/is also being tested. The functionality of the different measuring devices was explained and demonstrated, enhancing a better understanding of the technical developments and analyses within the project.

Outlook on the further developments within the project
The CityTRAQ partners are ready to continue working on their pilot projects with a renewed energy, aiming to have a clean, local air for all.